What are "Delusional Attachments"?

trigger warning. this site could potentially reality check those who may experience delusional attachments, and is only advised those who experience attachments to read only once in a healthy headspace.

"i am (character) irl."

"Delusional Attachments" are identity delusions, and most often are based on fictional characters. Causing someone to be of the belief they are a fictional character.
D/A's are often compared to "kinning" a term in which someone relates to, or identifies with a fictional character, but this is far from the case for delusional attachments.

Delusional Attachments are involuntary.

People with these attachments are not "roleplaying".
D/A's are often of the result of things like psychosis, schizophrenia, or possibly other disorders that can cause a distorted sense of reality.
There may be even personal experiences or trauma at play into why the attachment developed.

Do not reality check them.

"Reality Checking" generally means telling them their delusion is not reality, which could shatter their perception of reality and cause panic, or even suicidal ideation.
This does not always mean that reality checking is bad, as in some instances depending on how stable said person is, it may be beneficial.
Do not reality check without consent. You do not have to "play into their delusions", simply mind your business.

Terms to understand!

irl = blanket term, could mean irl kin, delusional attachment, or unspecified.irl kin = semi-voluntary, likely of the result of a personal reason, connection, or experience. (but can also experience feeling triggered)D/A = delusional attachment (identity delusion) people who have an INVOLUNTARY delusion that they are a character. (reincarnation of, etc)doubles = people who have attachments/kin/"are irl" of the same character (is considered triggering)"fakes" = an often derogatory/rude remark often directed at doubles, or someone an irl might find triggering.fictives = a dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D.) term for alters that develop based on fictional characters, these are NOT delusional attachments, and most fictives don't entirely align with their original source.factives = factives, (unlike fictives) are alters that are based on a factional or non-fictional source, like another person, also nothing really to do with delusional attachments.

Look out for, and avoid

Look out for their irl list!
Check their boundaries or DNI!
Do not reality check!
Stay respectful!

For those who care more than most!

Don't interact with someone if you feel you are a "double" of them
Don't interact with someone if you have one of their irls on your profile!

But remember your profile is YOUR profile. And this persons boundaries are THEIR boundaries, so if they ask you not to interact, or need to block you, RESPECT THAT!